Earlier this year, the Garmin Pilot team unveiled a real-time engine information data logging feature designed to provide pilots with even greater situational awareness in the cockpit, both in-flight or after landing. With this tool, pilots and technicians are able to review engine data on compatible mobile devices running Garmin Pilot, or on a desktop computer through the flyGarmin website. Now the team has taken this helpful technology a step further, allowing users to set exceedances for engine data parameters, and receive an email notification if the limits for a specific flight are exceeded.
How does it work?
First, an aircraft must be equipped with either an EIS-capable Garmin TXi flight display or G1000 NXi integrated flight deck and a Flight Stream 510 Connext wireless gateway. Through a wireless connection to the Flight Stream 510, Garmin Pilot can display and record real-time engine information in-flight, including cylinder head temperatures (CHT) and exhaust gas temperatures (EGT). Then upon landing, the flight data log is wirelessly uploaded and securely stored on the flyGarmin website for post flight analysis and incorporated into the logbook entry for that specific flight. Additionally, aircraft equipped with legacy G1000 and G3X can also take advantage of flyGarmin analytics by removing the MFD card and uploading flight data logs to the flyGarmin website. From there, the website will review the logs and note any exceedances within flyGarmin. The data is displayed on user-configurable, detailed graphs designed to assist pilots and technicians in understanding engine performance and trend data, helping to identify potential maintenance-related issues.
Engine exceedance parameters can be set within the flyGarmin website.
Exceedance Notifications
Pilots and technicians are now able set exceedance alerts for every phase of flight on the flyGarmin website. If any limits are exceeded during a particular flight, pilots will receive an email notification upon landing. The email includes a direct link to review the exceedance in flyGarmin. Aircraft owners, pilots and technicians can stay even more in tune to an engine’s performance.
Email exceedance notification from flyGarmin.
To establish an exceedance alert on the flyGarmin website:
For post-flight analysis on the flyGarmin website:
For more information about engine data-logging or exceedance notifications on Garmin Pilot, contact our support team at aviation.support@garmin.com.
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