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Appareo Brings AI and FDM Expertise to Panel Discussions at EBACE

Appareo’s Director of AI Systems Josh Gelinske and Vice President of Solutions Brad Thurow are scheduled to participate in two panel discussions during the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) in Geneva on May 22, 2019.

View the full agenda here: EBACE Program Schedule

Josh Gelinske

‘Lexi, book me a jet’: Artificial Intelligence and Business Aviation

Moderator: Eric Leopold, International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Josh Gelinske, Appareo
Peter Conrardv, GE Aviation
Bernhard Fragner, CEO & Founder, GlobeAir
Shiv Trisal, Aftermarket Digital Strategy Lead, Collins Aerospace

Description from EBACE website:
While companies like Facebook, Apple and Amazon rollout revolutionary changes to how we interact with machine-learning technology, many are still uncertain on exactly how artificial intelligence (AI) is being used by aerospace businesses. As an industry, business aviation is constantly striving to improve both the way it works and its customer satisfaction. To that end, it embraces technological advancements by constantly adapting to society’s needs. But AI can potentially go far beyond its current uses. Quite simply, AI can redefine how our industry goes about its work. In this session we will share insights by industry representatives on the improvements AI contributes to the aviation sector. We invite you to join us for this exciting panel discussion.

Brad Thurow

FDM – What Do You Need?

Moderator: Johan Glantz, EBAA
Dave Jesse, FDS
Kevin Martin, Aerobytes
Brad Thurow, Appareo

Description from EBACE website:
Whether you were already considering a Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) solution or plan on an acquiring an aircraft already fitted with one, this session aims at discussing the financial and operational impact, as well as the implications it has on your aircraft’s cockpit and on-ground hardware.

EBACE | May 21-23, 2019 | Geneva, Switzerland

EBACE is a premier event and the annual meeting place for the European business aviation community. The exhibition is jointly hosted each year by the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), the leading association for business aviation in Europe, and the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), the leading voice for the business aviation industry in the United States. Although EBACE is the only major European event focused solely on business aviation, attendees come from as far as Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North and South America.

Terminal Safety Solutions: Extended Runway Centerlines

The more you know — an overused saying and even more overused internet meme. But it still holds a lot of truth. In an age where information is at an all-time high, thanks largely to advances in technology, we have the opportunity to know more and be more confident, especially in the cockpit. Sometimes what we consider to be the slightest details can have the greatest impacts. Take for example our extended runway centerlines feature available within Garmin Pilot, GTN 750/650 series navigators, G3X Touch and aera 660/796. It’s only a small part of these products’ overall capabilities, but it’s designed to help ensure pilots are aligned with the proper runway.

Why it’s important

The FAA has labeled wrong-surface events as one of their top priorities for aviation safety. What is a wrong-surface event? According to the FAA, it’s when an aircraft lands or departs, or tries to land or depart, on the wrong runway or on a taxiway. Or even if an aircraft tries to land or takeoff at the wrong airport! Airports are growing in size and complexity, often with a network of parallel runways, and taxiways that could be interpreted as runways.

Garmin G3X Touch extended runway centerlines

Our extended runway centerlines feature is as simple as it
sounds — it can automatically provide pilots with an extended view of the
runway’s approach path from miles away. When setting up for final, it’s a quick
and easy way to help ensure that you’re aligned with the proper runway.

Different styles for
different pilots

We’ve created several pilot-selectable options to help tailor
our extended runway centerlines to each pilot’s preferred style. The feature’s
zoom levels can range from 200 feet up to five nautical miles on the moving
map. And different display styles are available from a feathered arrow to dashed
lines and chevrons. If desired, the feature can be disabled easily within the product

In this case, the more
you know
means added situational awareness and useful information in the
cockpit, even if it is as simple as a single feature within a pilot app. Get
added confidence that you’re lined up with the runway, or airport, you’re
intended for.

Garmin GTN 750 extended runway centerlines

To learn more about Garmin Pilot and its features, visit our website. Also, be sure to check out our other Terminal Safety Solutions designed to enhance situation awareness in the airport environment, including SafeTaxi, SurfaceWatch and Visual Approach Guidance.

The post Terminal Safety Solutions: Extended Runway Centerlines appeared first on Garmin Blog.

Garmin Celebrates First Flight of G3000 in a Supersonic Tactical Aircraft

Tactical Air Support, Inc. (Tactical Air) has completed the maiden flight of a Garmin integrated flight deck in a supersonic F-5 fighter aircraft. In just under six months, Tactical Air completed the engineering design, installation and first flight with the G3000 integrated flight deck and dual Garmin touchscreen controllers (GTCs). The G3000 in the F-5 is expected to be ready to perform adversary training for the U.S. Navy in Q2 2019. This commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Garmin solution allows Tactical Air to take advantage of reduced development time, lower life-cycle costs and reduced operational costs, through highly reliable state-of-the-art designs.

“The maiden flight of the G3000-equipped F-5 is a significant
achievement as it is a testament to the rapid implementation time and
flexibility afforded by a Garmin integrated flight deck,” said Carl Wolf, vice
president of aviation sales and marketing. “In just under six months, Tactical
Air was able to complete the engineering design, installation and achieve first
flight. Through their hard work, dedication and our strong relationship
together, we’re thrilled that they’re already in the air with the Garmin G3000
in this iconic aircraft. I am confident that the Tactical Air pilots will enjoy
flying behind Garmin glass.”

Garmin G3000

The F-5 is a
supersonic, multi-role tactical fighter and attack aircraft that in this role
will provide air-to-air combat training, close-air support training, tactics
development and evaluation support. The upgraded   F-5 used by Tactical Air will be used in an aggressor
training role and the G3000 will transform the entire fleet of Tactical Air F-5’s
with sensor and system capabilities similar to current fighter aircraft.

“The first
flight of the F-5 was flawless and achieved the main objective of verifying
Pilot Vehicle Interface (PVI) of aircraft systems, displays, controls and the
new Caution/Advisory System (CAS). The PVI and CAS, when combined with the
G3000, results in a more capable fighter aircraft,” said Ken Hamm, Tactical Air
chief test pilot. “As
a career test pilot with over 7,000 flight hours, I have flown aircraft from
the simplest to the space shuttle. Without a doubt, I can say the F-5 cockpit
is one of the most capable and flexible of all.”

The modular
G3000 integrated flight deck boasts a large and vibrant, high-resolution flight
display that seamlessly interfaces to the F-5’s existing mission computer,
enabling advanced mapping, tactical radio capabilities, radar display and more.
The bezel keys, GTCs and L3 ForceX mission system serve as the pilot
interface to the flight display, and the touchscreen controllers are designed so
pilots can use gloves in the cockpit. The G3000 has an open architecture that
enables seamless mission computer, sensors and systems interface and easily
facilitates future upgrades without impacting the avionics.

NVG-compatible G3000 contains modern, state-of-the-art synthetic vision
technology (SVT™) that blends an out-the-window view of surroundings on the
primary flight display, which is particularly helpful during nighttime and in mountainous
environments. The G3000 also has global capabilities for communication,
navigation, surveillance and air traffic management (CNS/ATM). Additional
features within the G3000 integrated flight deck on the F-5 include, Terrain
Awareness and Warning System (TAWS), global Automatic Dependent
Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) traffic and weather, as well as video interfaces.

Through its expansive
dealer network and award-winning aviation support team, Garmin is renowned for
its unrivaled global service network, offering complete life-cycle support.
Field service engineers are strategically located throughout the globe to
support any mission. Garmin also has a full range of training solutions,
including computer-based training, instructor-led training and full-motion
simulator compatibility. For additional information regarding Garmin’s defense,
commercial or business aviation solutions, visit

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Appareo and Broadsword Partner to Fortify High Performance with CMMI

Aerospace Leader Demonstrates Commitment to Transforming Engineering Performance

Fargo, ND — Appareo Systems (Appareo) and Broadsword Solutions (Broadsword) today announced a strategic partnership to pursue Appareo’s vision for high performance using Broadsword’s AgileCMMI framework and the CMMI Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI®). Appareo is a product development and technology company that specializes in software and hardware for industrial and commercial electronics. Broadsword is a leader in performance innovation and process improvement. Their partnership represents Appareo’s ongoing commitment to improving performance.

The CMMI defines the elements required to build great products or deliver great services and integrates them into a comprehensive, implementable model. Broadsword will provide CMMI workshops, coaching, and consulting solutions to help Appareo achieve its capability goals.

“Continuous improvement is a key tenant of Appareo operations,” said David Batcheller, President and CEO of Appareo. “As an ISO 9001- and AS9100- certified organization, we are committed to using CMMI to help us address every avenue for improvement, manage scope and communications, and meet our customer expectations for project delivery more predictably and reliably. We chose Broadsword for their clear vision and proven approach, which we think will help us reach our goals.”

Broadsword’s President, Jeff Dalton, said “By making the commitment to initiate a continuous improvement architecture and system based on the CMMI, Appareo will maintain their position as an industry leader that strives to deliver defect-free, high-value products that meet customers’ requirements, and wins more competitive business. We’re proud to be a partner in helping Appareo’s improve performance, and look forward to their continued success.”

For more than 15 years Appareo has been building a reputation as innovators dedicated to delivering reliable products. With in-house engineering, manufacturing, technology, and testing capabilities, Appareo develops products from concept to completion. The company is certified by all the major aviation and manufacturing regulators. Appareo is privately held, with world headquarters in Fargo, N.D., and design offices in Tempe, Ariz. and Paris, France.

Broadsword is a process improvement and performance innovation firm and CMMI Institute Partner that is the world-leader in using agile and lean methods to drive high-performance engineering using their agile CMMI methodology and collaborative consulting, coaching, and CMMI training solutions. With offices outside of Washington, D.C., Broadsword has a proven record of success throughout North America, and can be reached at


Appareo Presents AI at 2019 VDI Conferences in Düsseldorf

Appareo’s Director of AI Systems Josh Gelinske is scheduled to participate in two VDI Conferences next month:

4th International VDI Conference | May 14-15, 2019 | Düsseldorf, Germany

Connected Off Highway Machines

Presentation: Edge Computing For Artificial Intelligence
Josh Gelinske, Director AI Systems, Appareo Systems LLC, USA

  • Challenges of edge inference
  • Techniques for optimization of neural networks
  • Survey of processing hardware for edge inference
  • Applications for autonomous vehicles

    3rd International VDI Conference | May 14-15, 2019 | Düsseldorf, Germany

    Smart Farming

    Interactive Round Table Session

  • Importance of Data for Real Time Decision Making, Dr. Corina Ardelean, AGCO Corporation, USA
  • Cross Company Collaboration – The Fast Lane to Joint Innovation in Smart Agriculture, Clemens Delatrée, xarvio™ Digital Farming Solutions, Germany
  • AI in Agriculture – From Assistive Technologies to Autonomy, Josh Gelinske, Director AI Systems, Appareo Systems LLC, USA
  • The Added Value of Earth Observation Data for Agricultural Applications, Dr. Richard de Jeu, VanderSat, The Netherlands
  • Data Accessibility, Ownership, and Shareconomy, Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Kalmar, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
  • Connecting the Dots: Defining and Deploying Real-Time Risk Management for the Farmer and his Trusted Partners, Ron Osborne, Farmers Edge, Canada
  • Digital Innovation Hubs – Digital Transformation of Agriculture at a Regional Level, Dr. Sjaak Wolfert, Scientific Coordinator of SmartAgriHubs, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
    View the full VDI conference agendas here:
    VDI Conference 2019 – Connected Off Highway Machines
    VDI Conference 2019 – Smart Farming

    Garmin Demonstrates Datalink Weather Broadcast for Pilots in Germany

    The Garmin aviation team has expanded the availability of datalink weather through a technology demonstration in Friedrichshafen, Germany (EDNY). Using a ground-based Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) that is comprised of Garmin hardware at the EDNY airport, weather information is broadcast and received by aircraft equipped with select Garmin ADS-B In products and displayed on Garmin avionics and portables. For appropriately equipped aircraft, there is no additional cost to receive weather information during this evaluation period, which is expected to end in Q4 of 2019.

    “Based on the success of datalink weather in the United States, we are
    excited to demonstrate affordable datalink weather in Germany and look forward
    to evaluating the feasibility of this technology in Europe,” said Carl Wolf,
    vice president of aviation sales and marketing. “We would like to extend our
    appreciation to the German licensing agencies, as well as airplus maintenance for
    hosting the station and embracing this technology as we collectively aim to
    provide pilots with better tools that can aid and improve in-flight

    Today, pilots operating within the vicinity of the Friedrichshafen
    airport with compatible ADS-B In receivers have access to new datalink weather
    products in Europe. Weather products accessible through this ground station
    include, radar imagery, METARs, TAFs, lightning, icing and winds aloft. Pilots
    can expect to receive weather up to 50 nautical miles away from the ground
    station located at EDNY and weather products will display within a 250 nautical
    mile coverage area. Reception is also dependent upon line of sight. Through
    this, Garmin aims to demonstrate the advantages of widely available datalink
    weather for aircraft operators in Europe.

    Datalink weather information is now available at Friedrichshafen, Germany through a technology demonstration expected to end in Q4 2019.

    “AOPA Germany welcomes Garmin’s efforts in Europe. It is obvious that
    safety in General Aviation should increase if pilots have access to weather
    information in their cockpits. We know that it has been a significant effort to
    work in cooperation with the authorities to make the frequencies available, and
    Garmin has done a great job of explaining the safety case behind it and has
    succeeded,” said Dr. Michael Erb, senior vice president, AOPA Europe. “We are
    convinced that the results of the datalink weather demonstration will be
    positive and that it can serve as a good justification for bringing in-flight
    weather, as well as traffic and AIS information, into all GA cockpits in

    Currently, the system architecture leverages the US-defined FIS-B datalink using UAT technology. Garmin has flight tested the reception of these weather products in a Cessna 182 equipped with a GTX 345 ADS-B transponder, GTN 650/750 navigators, G500 TXi flight display, aera 660/795/796 GPS portables, the GDL 50 portable ADS-B receiver and the Garmin Pilot app on Apple mobile devices. Garmin expects compatibility with additional UAT-based receivers and displays.

    These datalink weather products are available immediately for pilots
    operating in the vicinity of the Friedrichshafen airport in Germany. Pilots who
    fly into AERO Friedrichshafen in Germany (April 10-13, 2019) and use the new
    datalink weather products are encouraged to provide feedback at the Garmin
    exhibit (Hall A6). Pilots can also submit feedback via this website: Garmin is also hosting a press conference at AERO Friedrichshafen on
    Thursday, April 11th at 16:00 local in Conference Center West,
    Room Schweiz. For additional information regarding Garmin datalink products,

    The post Garmin Demonstrates Datalink Weather Broadcast for Pilots in Germany appeared first on Garmin Blog.

    Garmin TeamX Brings New FIS-B Weather Products to G3X Touch, aera 660 and aera 795/796

    Our TeamX experimental avionics group introduced new Flight Information Service-Broadcast (FIS-B) weather capabilities to several popular Garmin products. These capabilities are available through the Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) ADS-B ground station network in the United States. Pilots can now access this new weather information on the G3X Touch flight display for experimental aircraft and the aera 660 and aera 795/796 portables using Garmin receivers that support ADS-B In.  

    The introduction of the new FIS-B weather products give pilots additional tools to better interpret the broader weather picture. These new products include lightning, turbulence, icing (current and forecast) and cloud tops. With at least one ADS-B ground station in view while in-flight or on the ground, pilots can easily access and receive beneficial weather in the cockpit within the U.S.  

    Garmin aera 660 featuring new FIS-B icing information.

    Garmin ADS-B products are currently capable of receiving these new
    services. These products include the GTX 345, GDL 88, GDL 84, GDL 52,
    GDL 50, GDL 39 3D and GDL 39. Compatibility is also extended to include all
    remote-mount Garmin ADS-B In receivers. These ADS-B In receivers do not require
    a software update in order to receive the new weather products.

    In addition
    to the G3X Touch for experimental aircraft, aera 660 and aera 795/796
    compatibility today, the Garmin Pilot app on Apple mobile devices can also
    receive and display these new FIS-B weather products.

    To learn more about our latest products and features, visit our website at and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

    The post Garmin TeamX Brings New FIS-B Weather Products to G3X Touch, aera 660 and aera 795/796 appeared first on Garmin Blog.

    2019 Airshow Guide: SUN ‘n FUN and AERO Friedrichshafen

    As the first signs of spring begin to emerge from winter in the U.S., we’re reminded that the annual aviation fly-in, airshow and exhibition season follows not too far behind. The longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures mean more flying, and more importantly, more aviation events. We’re kicking off the 2019 season at SUN ’n FUN in Lakeland, Florida, and AERO Friedrichshafen in Germany.

    SUN n FUN International Fly-In and Expo — April
    2-7, 2019

    The largest annual convention in Florida and second-largest
    event of its kind in the world — SUN ’n FUN means airshow season has officially
    arrived in the United States.

    Our aviation team will be on hand showcasing everything our general aviation product line has to offer. Attendees can learn about our broad range of ADS-B solutions, upgrade solutions for certificated aircraft such as our new G3X Touch for certificated piston singles, GPS 175/GNX 375 navigators, TXi series flight displays and much more.

    Garmin G3X Touch for certificated aircraft.

    Plus, TeamX — our group of experimental aircraft engineers,
    builders and pilots — will be highlighting the latest advancements to our line
    of products for experimental/light sport aircraft, including G3X Touch.

    During the show, our experts will be presenting daily seminars
    (April 2-6). Located in tent N11 between Hangar D and the flight line, aircraft
    owners, pilots and enthusiasts can learn about topics ranging from flying with
    Garmin Pilot to a getting full avionics upgrade for their airplane.

    Seminar Title Time
    Autopilot Upgrades:GFC 600 and GFC 500 9:30 a.m.
    Upgrading Avionics:G600 TXi/G500 TXi and GTN 750/650
    10:00 a.m.
    ADS-B Solutions: GTX 335/345 series, GDL 82 and more 10:45 a.m.
    Low-cost Upgrades for Certificated Aircraft:
    G5, GTX 345, GMA 345, GNC/GTR and more
    11:15 a.m.
    Avionics for Experimental Aircraft: From G5 to G3X
    12:15 p.m.
    Flying with iPad and Android Tablets: Plan, File, Fly, Log
    with Garmin Pilot
    1:00 p.m.

    Visit us at our exhibit in Hangar D at the show!

    AERO Friedrichshafen
    — April 10-13, 2019

    After SUN ’n FUN, our U.S. team heads across the pond to
    unite with our European team in Friedrichshafen, Germany, for one of the
    leading general aviation conventions in Europe — AERO Friedrichshafen. The show
    boasts conferences, seminars and the latest innovations within the industry.

    Garmin GNX 375 Navigator with ADS-B In/Out transponder.

    We will be showcasing many of the same avionics solutions, including GFC 500 and GFC 600 retrofit autopilots, TXi series and G3X Touch. Our experts will also be presenting seminars to educate attendees about these solutions (April 10-12), hosted behind the Garmin exhibit located in Hall A6.

    Seminar Title Time
    What’s New at Garmin(English) 10:00-
    Upgrading Avionics: G600 TXi/G500 TXi and GTN 750/650
    series (German)
    Low-cost Upgrades for Certificated Aircraft: G5, GTR 225,
    GMA 345 and more (English)
    Avionics for Experimental Aircraft: From G5 to G3X Touch (English) 12:30-
    Upgrading Avionics: G600 TXi/G500 TXi and GTN 750/650
    series (English)
    Portables: From Wrist-worn Navigators to Handhelds
    Autopilot Upgrades:GFC 600 and GFC 500 (English) 15:30-
    Flying with iPad and Android Tablets: Plan, File, Fly, Log
    with Garmin Pilot (English)
    Low-cost Upgrades for Certificated Aircraft: G5, GTR 225,
    GMA 345 and more (German)

    Be sure to visit with our team at any one of these upcoming
    events, and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the latest news
    and announcements!

    The post 2019 Airshow Guide: SUN ‘n FUN and AERO Friedrichshafen appeared first on Garmin Blog.

    Garmin Introduces GTX 335D and GTX 345D ADS-B Diversity Transponders

    We are excited to introduce the GTX 335D and GTX 345D, two diversity transponders that provide optimal Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out coverage and visibility while operating throughout the global airspace system. The GTX 335D offers ADS-B Out, while the GTX 345D provides ADS-B Out, as well as ADS-B In traffic and weather for display on compatible avionics and mobile devices. Remote-mount versions are also available. The GTX 335D/GTX 345D are intended for qualifying aircraft that may prefer or require a diversity solution, while also meeting or exceeding global ADS-B airspace requirements.

    “The GTX 335D and GTX 345D are yet another example of our leadership
    position within the ADS-B market as we continue to provide global solutions for
    all segments of aviation,” said Carl Wolf, vice president of aviation sales and
    marketing. “With more ADS-B solutions fielded than anyone else, Garmin is
    committed to providing ADS-B upgrade options to aircraft owners around the
    globe that address their operational needs, and with the GTX 345D, giving them
    the option to receive ADS-B In benefits in the cockpit.”    

    The GTX 335D/GTX 345D utilize two antennas
    mounted on the top and bottom of the aircraft, providing superior operational
    coverage. As opposed to having a single antenna that is mounted on the bottom
    of the aircraft, diversity antennas help reduce antenna “shading” caused when
    the aircraft turns or maneuvers. Diversity antennas also improve line-of-sight
    visibility and allow the transponder to more robustly send and receive ADS-B
    transmissions from other participating aircraft, further improving visibility
    while operating throughout the global airspace system.

    Select G1000, G1000 NXi and G3000-equipped aircraft have an elegant and simple path to incorporate a diversity transponder-based ADS-B solution using the GTX 335D/GTX 345D. A remote-mounted version of the GTX 335D or GTX 345D takes the place of the aircraft’s transponder and interfaces with the aircraft’s existing WAAS position source to meet ADS-B Out requirements. The GTX 345D is capable of displaying various ADS-B In benefits, including subscription free Flight Information Service-Broadcast (FIS-B) weather1 and ADS-B traffic on the primary flight display (PFD) and multi-function display (MFD). 

    In addition to integrated flight deck compatibility, the GTX 335D/GTX 345D interface with a variety of other Garmin avionics, flight displays and mobile devices. These include the GTN 650/750 and GNS 430W/530W navigators, the G500 TXi/G600 TXi/G700 TXi and G500/G600 flight displays, as well as the aera 796/795 and aera 660 portables. These transponders are also compatible with the Garmin Pilot, FltPlan Go and ForeFlight Mobile applications, as well as other third-party avionics. Display capabilities vary, visit the Garmin website for full compatibility details.

    The GTX 345D unlocks more capabilities for pilots by displaying ADS-B traffic and FIS-B weather on compatible products in the cockpit. Exclusive features such as TargetTrend and TerminalTraffic further enhance the display of traffic within Garmin products. The GTX 345D also includes a dual-link ADS-B receiver that provides pilots with a complete picture of ADS-B equipped traffic. The GTX 345D may be integrated into the aircraft’s audio panel to provide ATC-like audible alerts, such as “Traffic: 10 O’Clock, same altitude, two miles” to help pilots keep their eyes outside the cockpit when looking for traffic. FIS-B weather products include NEXRAD, METARs, TAFs, PIREPs, winds and temperatures aloft, NOTAMs, AIRMETs and SIGMETs. New FIS-B weather products, including lightning, turbulence, icing (current and forecast) and cloud tops are currently capable of displaying on Garmin Pilot and the aera 660. Additional Garmin display compatibility with these new FIS-B weather products is expected later this year.

    The GTX 335D and GTX 345D ADS-B transponders have received Technical Standard Order (TSO) authorization from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and deliveries for select installations will begin next week. We will have an updated Aircraft Model List (AML) Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) in late Q2 2019 comprising of hundreds of aircraft makes and models. The GTX 335D and GTX 345D are available for a list price of $6,495 and $7,995 respectively. For additional information regarding the industry’s most comprehensive line of ADS‑B solutions, visit:

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    Garmin GPS 175 and GNX 375 — Compelling Navigators Offering WAAS/LPV Approaches and Optional ADS-B In/Out

    We are excited to introduce our GPS 175 and GNX 375 GPS navigators with Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance (LPV) approach capability. Pilots receive the benefits of high-integrity WAAS/SBAS GPS guidance in a compact, (6.25-inches wide by 2-inches tall) design that is both cost-effective and easy to incorporate into an existing avionics stack. The GPS 175 is a standalone certified IFR navigator with a vibrant, color touchscreen display packed with advanced features and capabilities including WAAS/LPV approaches. The GNX 375 has all of the capability of the GPS 175 and adds Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out, as well as dual-link ADS-B In via a built-in transponder. Intended for Class I/II aircraft that weigh 6,000 lbs./2,721 kg. or less, as well as experimental/amateur-built (EAB) aircraft, the GPS 175/GNX 375 have received Supplemental Type Certification (STC) and are available immediately from Garmin Authorized Dealers for over 700 aircraft makes/models.

    “Many aircraft have not been equipped with WAAS/LPV or ADS-B due to the
    lack of a compelling value proposition for owners of these aircraft,” said Carl
    Wolf, vice president of aviation sales and marketing. “The GPS 175 and GNX 375
    offer WAAS/LPV approaches and optional ADS-B In/Out with an impressive array of
    features, performance, and compelling value.”

    Garmin GPS 175 with advanced terrain awareness.

    Slim and unobtrusive, the GPS 175/GNX 375 include a WAAS/SBAS GPS that is
    IFR approach-capable. A vibrant, colorful touchscreen display boasts a familiar
    Garmin user experience that enables quick and intuitive entry of flight plan
    information, while a dual concentric knob and dedicated home button offer added
    versatility when interfacing with the touchscreen. Dedicated pages within the GPS 175
    include a moving map, flight plan, nearest, procedures, waypoint information
    and terrain pages, and the GNX 375 adds traffic and weather pages. The addition
    of a dedicated direct-to button on the touchscreen offers quick access to direct
    airport or waypoint navigation. Customizable data fields and short cuts on the
    moving map to pilot-selectable pages such as the nearest airport allow for
    quick, one-touch access to important information in-flight.     

    Fully WAAS IFR-approach-capable, the GPS 175/GNX 375 give pilots the
    benefit of flying LPV, Lateral Performance (LP), as well as all Area Navigation
    (RNAV) approaches. Many approaches offer vertical approach guidance as low as
    200-feet above ground level (AGL). Pilots can also leverage the touchscreen and
    moving map to easily generate customized holding patterns over an existing fix
    in the navigation database or a user-defined waypoint and easily insert it into
    a flight plan. Visual approaches are also available within the GPS 175/GNX
    375 and provide lateral and vertical approach guidance in visual flight
    conditions. Visual approaches offer added assurance at unfamiliar airports or
    in challenging environments to ensure the aircraft is aligned properly with the
    correct runway, while also taking into consideration terrain and obstacle

    Garmin GPS 175 featuring SafeTaxi.

    Designed to replace earlier-generation products such as the iconic GPS 150/155 series, the GX 50/55, as well as the KLN 89/90/94 series, aircraft owners won’t have to make significant panel modifications to accommodate the GPS 175/GNX 375. Aircraft owners can also retain many of their existing flight instruments, audio panels and many legacy CDI/EHSI indicators such as the KI 209, or easily pair it with a new or existing flight display like the G5 electronic flight instrument. Additional interface options include the G3X Touch flight display for experimental and certificated aircraft, the GFC 500 and GFC 600 autopilots, as well as select third-party autopilots. Additionally, precise course deviation and roll steering outputs can be coupled to the GFC 500/GFC 600 autopilots and select third-party autopilots so procedures such as holds, radius-to-fix (RF) legs and missed approaches may be flown automatically.

    Built-in Connext® cockpit connectivity gives pilots the benefits and efficiencies of a wireless cockpit, enabling wireless flight plan transfer via Bluetooth to and from compatible portables and mobile devices running the Garmin Pilot and FltPlan Go applications. GPS position information and back-up attitude can also be used by compatible products. Because the GNX 375 has an integrated ADS-B transponder and dual link ADS-B In, pilots can also view ADS-B traffic and weather on compatible mobile devices and portables. Offering a faster, more intuitive method of judging target trajectories and closure rates, ADS‑B enabled TargetTrend aids in the identification of real traffic threats, while TerminalTraffic displays a comprehensive picture of ADS-B-equipped aircraft and ground vehicles. Patented TargetTrend and TerminalTraffic are exclusively available within Garmin products, including the Garmin Pilot app. For customers that already equipped for ADS-B, the GTX 345 or GDL 88 can interface to the GPS 175 to display ADS-B In. Additional wireless benefits include Database Concierge, which is available as an option by pairing the Flight Stream 510 with these navigators.

    The GPS 175/GNX 375 offer unique benefits that only a touchscreen can
    provide, such as graphical flight plan editing, allowing pilots to more easily
    edit their flight plan based on an ATC amendment or weather. Features such as FastFind
    simplifies flight plan entry by applying predictive logic to suggest airports
    and waypoints using current GPS location, while Smart Airspace makes it easier to identify pertinent
    airspace on the moving map. The addition of SafeTaxi® airport
    diagrams display runways, taxiways, Fixed Based Operators (FBO’s), hangars and
    more relative to the aircraft’s location on the airport surface.

    The GPS 175 and GNX 375 are expected to be available in April and are approved for installation in over 700 Class I/II piston aircraft models that weigh 6,000 lbs./2,721 kg. or less and can be purchased through the Garmin Authorized Dealer network starting at a suggested list price of $4,995 and $7,995 respectively. A free Garmin GPS 175/GNX 375 trainer app is also available for download on Apple mobile devices, which allows customers to experience the feature set of these navigators. The GPS 175/GNX 375 are also supported by our award-winning aviation support team, which provides 24/7 worldwide technical and warranty support. For additional information, visit

    The post Garmin GPS 175 and GNX 375 — Compelling Navigators Offering WAAS/LPV Approaches and Optional ADS-B In/Out appeared first on Garmin Blog.

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